Sometimes doctors make me want to scream!

Since last night, I have read two different posts in my Facebook hydrocephalus support groups where the parent's of a newborn / infant with Hydrocephalus were basically told "We're not going to do anything . . . let them die". I can relate to that because my parents were told that too after my dad opted to not have me shunted a week after my birth in 1963. Since shunting was still relatively new - the first one was surgically implanted seven (7) years early in 1956 - he was afraid of the technology. But that was 55 years ago . . . we've come a long way baby!

What is hydrocephalus?

For those who might not be familiar, hydrocephalus is a neurological condition caused by an abnormal build up of cerebrospinal fluid (or CSF for short) in the ventricles of the brain. (Shiel, William, N.D.) Often the CSF is under increased pressure which can compress delicate brain tissue(s) resulting in brain damage. Research has shown that hydrocephalus can occur prior to birth - in utero - or at anytime after birth. It can be caused by a birth defect, a brain bleed, infection (including meningitis), or a head injury. For example, in my case, it was caused by an almost total blockage of the Aqueduct of Sylvius and, possibly, exacerbated by the fact that I was delivered using forceps. Just like the two cases I referred to above, my family was also told I would only survive "about three months" and to "just take him home and let him die". Obviously, I surpassed their expectations and, I truly believe these two little #Warriors will too.

Some might think my comments are boastful or "blowing smoke". To those I say, I know what I am talking about because it has been verified by the medical community that, back in my home state of Georgia, I am the oldest, non-treated, hydrocephalus patient in the state, and, the third oldest in the entire United States. That being said, I realize that doctors are "just going by what the (medical) book says" but they need to realize that the final decision is not theirs.


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